Soil Care Network Newsletter
December 2022
by Nicola Wynn, Jamie Nix, Clement Boyer, Charlotte Chivers, Michiel van de Pavert, and Anna Krzywoszynska
Soils & Research
This review paper explores the main sources of plastics in soils, finding that sludge, wastewater, and mulches are key contributors
This paper outlines the constituents of soil, human dependence on soil health, the main causes and consequences of soil depreciation. It suggests possible technical and behavioural solutions to soil degradation and the related ethical issues. Finally, the author recommends some approaches to assist educators who share the goal of empowering students to achieve soil regeneration
Bringing soils to life in the Human and Social Sciences. This paper present three strand of research on soil-related issues: (1) Literature bearing on the politics of soil knowledge investigates how soil becomes an object of knowledge and management; (2) Soil new materialism addresses practices and ethics of caring for the living soil; (3) Soil decolonial studies unravel soils’ powers and the intertwined agencies of soils and societies.
Assessing the effect of soil testing on chemical fertilizer use intensity: An empirical analysis of phosphorus fertilizer demand by Irish dairy farmers. This study uses an econometric model on data from the Irish national farm survey to examine the examines the relation between soil testing and chemical P fertilization in Irish pasture based farm systems. Results indicate the soil-testing leads to the use lower amounts of chemical fertilizers, which is also correlated with landscape characteristics and farm intensity, indicating the need for targeted management approaches to farm level management decision making
Exploring opportunities and constraints of a certification scheme for regenerative agricultural practice. Certification is a live topic in the regenerative agriculture movement. This paper draws on interviews with key informants from the organic sector in Australia to offer lessons to RegenAg on the challenges and opportunities associated with certification
Asiatic Dayflower removes toxic copper ions from contaminated soil. An investigation into the growth, accumulation and transfer of Cu and Zn in Commelina communis
Home composting not an effective use of biodegradable or compostable packaging
The world's roots are getting shallower: Study provides the first estimate of global changes
Soil analysis provides new information about Stone Age burial practices in Finland. On how soil dynamics influence the processes of preservation
Soil & News
Grant for soil education. Grant of up to £4,000 available for the development and delivery of innovative teaching/outreach resources aiming at supporting and encouraging the education of Soil Science in primary, secondary and/or tertiary settings. The resource in question will be developed in both English and Spanish language by a group of applicants involving at least one member of BSSS and one member of SECS. Deadline is 31 January 2023
Soil Art: Sauk County ARK. Reflections from an artist working with soil
Soil & Reports
FAO publishes first report on black soils. Black soils, only found in certain parts of the world, are highly fertile and rich in organic matter. This new report explores ways of restoring and protecting this precious resource
The human gut and soil contain billions of the same active microorganisms. Chronic diseases can manifest from the bad gut bacteria we build up over time. These include conditions such as cancer, obesity, and inflammatory bowel disease, amongst others. Food is how we inoculate and maintain the microbes in our bodies. Yes, there are bad microbes, but the good microbes are the ones that have been deeply ignored. Bad microbes and good microbes start in the soil where our food is grown
The Office for National Statistics has shown that agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in the UK have decreased since 1990
World Soil Day
New SoilPlastic App launched on World Soil Day: record plastic debris in soils. The EU-funded MINAGRIS project has launched a citizen science app, SoilPlastic, which allows farmers, citizens, and children to record observations of plastic debris in soil
ScoreforSoil Campaign. Sadhguru kickstarted a social media campaign against the backdrop of Football World Cup encouraging citizens to promote soil preservation by posting their best goals
Global Policy Draft & Solutions Handbook for seven region - Save Soil Movement. On World Soil Day, Sadhguru, leader of the Save Soil Movement, joined by 155 soil scientists in an international roundtable released seven Policy Draft & Solutions Handbook for International, European, African, Asian, Latin American, North American and Oceanian policies
Food. It’s one of life’s greatest joys, and yet it’s so much of a necessity that we can easily overlook the story of where it actually comes from. Hidden below the surface and too tiny to see, the soil is filled with life. A microbiome, which if supported assists farmers through an abundance of activity. In this video dedicated to World Soil Health day you’ll learn more about how the soil microbiome impacts our food systems