Soil Care Network Newsletter
January 2022
by Michiel van de Pavert, in collaboration with Anna Krzywoszynska, Emma Lietz Bilecky, and Thirze Hermans
Soil Research
To truly help regenerate soils, external interventions need to work in line with local knowledge and needs, as this excellent case study of Guatemalan agroecology shows
Soil science has still a long way to go in terms of achieving gender equality. This paper investigates what obstacles female soil scientists face in Indonesia, and notes some positive trends
Soil Policy
Heard of the new EU soil strategy, but not sure what it means? This short presentation offers a useful overview
The state of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture: Systems at breaking point (SOLAW 2021) - FAO
Soil Art
Wageningen University’s root archive with beautiful images of how root growth
Soil and spirituality
Sadhguru drew attention to soil degradation and the link with spirituality
On parallels between sustainability in agriculture and the tenets of the Buddhadharma
Soil Events
The Oxford Real Farming Conference has uploaded all their videos onto their YouTube channel
Register here for the two day Montana Soil Health Symposium on February 9 and 10
The GFFA took place bringing together agriculture ministers from 68 countries. The 2022 event was called “Sustainable Land Use: Food Security Starts with the Soil”. In their Communiqué they state: ‘’We stress that healthy soils are key in order to combat the global challenges of our times, in particular the production of sufficient nutritious and safe food, adaptation to and mitigation of climate change, and the halting and reversal of biodiversity loss.’’
Soil in Other News
Climate change threatens to dry out peat soils, which can contain extremely well-preserved archaeological objects
Veganuary - which protein sources to choose and how they influence the soil
Microplastics are everywhere potentially leading to adverse effects. Here and here are two short summaries of research conducted recently​