Soil Care Network Newsletter
February 2023
by Nicola Wynn, Jamie Nix, Clement Boyer, Charlotte Chivers, Michiel van de Pavert, and Anna Krzywoszynska
Soils & Research & Reports
Recycling fertilizers from human excreta exhibit high nitrogen fertilizer value and result in low uptake of pharmaceutical compounds
Tire wear particles: an emerging threat to soil health. This paper suggests that tire wear particles may lead to changes in essential ecosystem services and multifunctionality, and therefore represent an emerging threat to soil health
Soil monitoring in Europe - Indicators and thresholds for soil health assessments. A tremendous effort has been already invested in soil monitoring in Europe, at country and at EU levels. However, there is no comprehensive and updated body of knowledge for identifying healthy soils and those that are degraded and require protection
Participatory approaches for soil research and management: A literature-based synthesis. This literature review on participatory soil research and management highlights that existing projects were mostly contributory in nature -participants only generating data- rather than collaborative or co-created researchs. Long-term impacts of these participatory projects on participants and socio-ecological systems are seldom reported
A proposal for the assessment of soil security: soil functions, soil services and threats to soil. In this article, authors propose an assessment of soil security through indicators for each role on five dimension of soil security : capacity, condition, capital, connectivity and codification
Soils & Events
Call for papers: Fertile Furrows: Ruling and (Re-)Working Soil in Early Modern Period. This conference aims to showcase a multifaced and interconnected perspective on ideas and representations of soil in the Early Modern period, focusing on the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries. The event invites applications for 20 min papers, from advanced graduate students, early career, and established scholars. It welcomes contributions that engage with the topics proposed below through a variety of methodologies and disciplines, such as history of art, history of science, ecohistory, cultural and intellectual history, politico-economic history, and literature
In-person seminar, Leicester, UK - 20/03/23: Understanding the importance of soil health. This talk will aim to provide an overview of the fascinating life found within the soil, how soil management changes the structure, chemistry and biology of the soil, and overall what this means in regards to “soil health”. This talk will also include how changing land use and climate change will have an impact on healthy soils, maintaining food security and improving biodiversity within the soil habitat
Talk: Why Women Grow: Stories of Soil, Sisterhood and Survival - 02/03/23, London, UK
"Soil Repair” at the Nordic STS Conference, 7-9 June 2023 hosted by the TIK Centre, University of Oslo, organized by the Anthropogenic Soils project. This call for abstracts for the 2023 Nordic STS Conference for a panel dedicated to "Soil Repair: Recuperating Human-Soil Relationships" to rethink and reimagine human-soil relationships beyond extraction, welcoming formats of practice-based and artistic research (deadline 1 March 2023)
Soils & Projects
Call for contributions to create the "European Atlas of Soil Fauna". The initiative (started within the cost action EUDAPHOBASE) is about a collaborative effort to create the "European Atlas of Soil Fauna" and asks data holders of any category of soil animals, to share their published data and become co-authors of the Atlas. The first step to become involved is to fill out this questionnaire