Soil Care Network Newsletter
October 2023
by Nicola Wynn, Jamie Nix, Clement Boyer, Charlotte Chivers, Michiel van de Pavert, and Anna Krzywoszynska
Academic Papers
Shh…. what is that sound? Tune in and listen to Sounding Soil, a project which seeks to give soils a voice - quite literally Home — Sounding Soil
What do farmers actually think about Regenerative Agriculture? This paper draws on interviews with UK farmers to explore how RegenAg farmers try to reconcile productivist and post-productivist objectives
How to make soil research relevant to local actors? This paper looks at farmer advisors in Australia and the key role they play in connecting different soil knowledge communities through frame alignement
Twelve year after Fukushima nuclear accident, a recent article reflect on an unprecedented soil decontamination programme focusing on its impacts and learnings. In the same context, another paper entitled “Skin of the Earth” investigates how contaminated soil becomes alive and guides human attention to the rediscovery of interspecies temporalities, paces, and rhythms, thus reconfiguring radioactivity
New book is out : “Cultural Understanding of Soils. The importance of cultural diversity and of the inner world” filling a cultural gap between soil and soil science by investing various inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to the understanding of soil
In a recent systematic review, Shaima Chowdhury Sharna and colleagues assessed the temporal and spatial transitions of Sustainable Soil Management Practices (SSMP) adoption between 1994 and 2022. They highlight a recent shift in research focus towards the role of climate change in sustainable practices adoption and the perception about soil of farmers
New collective edition Key issues in agricultural ethics explores contemporary topics in the ethics of food production, ranging from gender ethics, ethics in agricultural research and regarding environmental issues
A new article of the 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia of soils in the environment offers a comprehensive overview of contemporary issues in soil science education, awareness and outreach
Check out the Solid Science podcast - the most recent program is on soils and law
Soil & Policy
As pressure grows to certify Regenerative Agriculture practices, is RegeAg going to become ‘organic without the premium’? Microsoft Word - Regenerative at the Crossroads long.docx
The 11th Plenary Assembly (PA) of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) was held from 12–14 July 2023, 24 presentations were delivered in the FAO Plenary hall, covering various soil-related topics: you can view some of those online
Upcoming Academic Conferences
The Global Symposium on Soils and Water entitled “Soil and water, a source of life” will take place 2-5 October, 2023 in Rome (hybrid event)
How does geopower intersect with aesthetics? This is the theme of the conference taking place in April 2024 The Aesthetics of Geopower: Imagining Planetary Histories and Hegemonies - ASCA - University of Amsterdam (uva.nl). The CFP is now open, until 15th October
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting takes place October 29-Nov 1st, 2023. There is a free Soil Biology Soil Hour on October 31st 4pm-6pm. Event takes place in-person in St. Louis, MO and online
Call for papers is open soon for sessions at the International Union of Soil Sciences’ Centennial conference in Florence, May 2024. There is a wealth of interdisciplinary sessions
Soil Art, Entertainment, and Outreach
This artist uses charcoal & soil to create mesmerizing works of art on the surface of ice in the Baltic Sea. David Popa calls the series ‘Fractured,’ & says each artwork takes approx 4 hours to make
Other Events
Leading European experts discussed the state of research support for soil work at the SOILCON conference was held by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, the Technology Centre Prague and the Research Council of Norway. Recordings of presentations are available on the website SOILCON - Technologická agentura ÄŒR (tacr.cz)
Registration is now open to attend - both in person or online - the European Mission Soil Week taking place 21-23 November in Madrid, Spain