Soil Care Network Newsletter
September 2024
by Anni Piiroinen, Alexandra Toland, Nicola Wynn, Jamie Nix, Clement Boyer, Charlotte Chivers, Michiel van de Pavert, and Anna Krzywoszynska
Academic Papers​​
What habitats do urban soils provide? This paper on soil macrofauna in Japan’s urban parks provides an interesting glimpse into the life of urban soil ecologies.
Last year saw the publishing of Healing Grounds by Liz Carisle, which explores the inter-relations between soil regeneration and societal regeneration, especially addressing historical injustices and their perpetuation is agri-food systems today. This editorial gives a nice insight into the themes she explores in the book.
The European Green Deal is one of the policy mechanisms aiming to protect soils. But, is it causing problems elsewhere? The authors of this paper calculated that without reductions in consumption, the Green Deal will increase demand on land outside of the EU.
There is more research on soil ecologies from the social sciences and humanities - is a new field of research emerging? This paper proposes ethnomicrobiology as a distinct interdisciplinary field within ethnobiology that examines the management practices and knowledge surrounding human-microbe interactions, along with the theoretical contributions that such an approach can offer.
We should be limiting land sealing - but why is land sealed in the first place? This paper looks at why (for what functions and uses) land becomes ‘covered up’ in rural regions in Switzerland.
A recent study based on a reflexive workshop with soil researchers and practitionners soil investigates how agroecology narratives challenge researchers postures, and, how they try to navigate the tension between social activism and evidence-based policy solutions.
Oldies but Goodies
How to consider the history of soil within the broader field of environmental history? This paper sets up useful steps for greater transdisciplinary collaboration on soil history.
Soil Literacy
The collection of articles on soil biodiversity published in Frontiers for Young Minds has been updated, reread by children and partly translated into several languages.
EU Mission Soil just launched a podcast series. The first episode on “Leading the transition towards healthy soils: a closer look at the EU Mission Soil” is now out.
EU project NBSoil launched their academy in June. It offers an online training programme for “next generation soil advisors”. Three learning levels (60h, 120h and 240h) will be available on four modules : Soil and NBS, Soil Health living Labs facilitation, Digital tools for soil health monitoring and mapping, Improving soil-related decision making in business and policy. The foundation learning level is available in 7 languages.
Soils in the news
Regenerative farming is in the news more and more, and is often framed as ‘a climate change solution’ via carbon sequestration - e.g. via additions of basalt. This article takes a more careful position and highlights the scientific uncertainties around soil carbon sequestration. While in this article, the World Economic Forum is proclaiming that AI has a great potential to support regen ag.
We are also seeing more stories praising the incorporation of AI in regenerative agriculture.
Business as usual is no longer an option for European farmers and businesses if climate collapse and economic hardship are to be avoided. This is the main message of the 110-page document produced by the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture. The document was produced in dialogue with a wide range of food system actors, and points to what is needed to make European agriculture fairer, greener, healthier, and more sustainable. It’s the culmination of a seven-month process. A 9-page executive summary, and analysis by Thin Ink, and 14 key recommendations unveiled by Jane Byrne.
Meetings and Calls​
The American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America jointly host the premier gathering of ideas, solutions, and innovation from across the field of environmental sciences. Our Annual Meeting is equal parts science, networking, collaboration, and camaraderie. We welcome emerging learners and leaders from industry, government agencies, and academic institutions to explore advances in agronomic, crop, and soil sciences. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting 2025
Call for nominations for experts for the IPBES spatial planning assessment (5 Sep 2024 - 24 Jan 2025). IPBES is seeking experts and practitioners from academia, government, and civil society with expertise in a range of disciplines, including but not limited to geography, ecology, conservation science (including protected area designation), land and water systems science, spatial planning, urban planning, architecture, law, political science and economic, by 10 january 2025.