Film-Soils, There is a Layer above the Crust
To a geologist or an engineer, soil is not only a medium which is built upon but also a medium to be built with. Stones, bricks and sand...

Approaching soil in garden design
Soil in a garden, regardless of its size, can be very varied. Where there are trees it is often dry, and at a low point often wet. Old...

Below ground. City silviculture and the art and science of urban soils.
INTRODUCTION I pick the tree-lined streets in my cycle commutes across London. The air is cooler, the glare is less, and if there’s a...

Making soils count in UK policy
When I started my project on the changing attitudes to soils in the UK conventional farming community eighteen months ago, I bought...

Waste burning and toxic soil formation in urban areas
In recent years, the practice of burning garbage in open spaces has proliferated within neighbourhoods of Bengaluru. However, the...

Knowing Soils: An Anthropology of Agricultural Knowledge
On 27 and 28 January 2017, the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 923 “Threatened Order – Societies under Stress” at the University of...

Soils are an interdisciplinary medium
Like a weevil in a flour jar, a mole in a hole, an earthworm in a pile of loam. This is how I felt during the inaugural Soil Care Network...

Talking dirty
It is widely acknowledged that, in public engagement some science and technology topics are a slightly easier ‘sell’ than others. Where...

Close encounters among the plant kind: proliferating plant companions
When I was a child, my grandfather grew intoxicatingly fragrant rose bushes, spaced one metre apart. I would follow him around the garden...